Utilize the same permissions at Permitted Storage for more information.Get access to 25 GB free online storage space.
In most cases internal/controlled data may be stored on Office 365 OneDrive.
May be public or Internal/Controlled (only open to selected individuals).
Shareable with anyone with the link, shareable with anyone with the link while limited to Penn State users, or to specific people.
Individual primarily, but can be both via file sharing and collaboration.
Service Now Office 365: OneDrive Help Resources.
OneDrive for Business Essential Training.
Penn State Harrisburg’s Center for Teaching Excellence:.
TLD Ways to Use Microsoft OneDrive Business.
Office 365: Sharing and Collaboration Learning Path.
Visit Office 365 at Penn State to log in.
Formative and summative assessment of assignment progression and collection.
Peer interaction and team collaboration.
An alternative to Google Drive that focuses on the Microsoft product line.
Storage and sharing of collaborative documents.
OneDrive App is required to sync files from your computer to OneDrive online which can initially be confusing as well.
≿ile sharing and editing can be initially confusing.
Can be used to facilitate a shared construction of knowledge.
Can be used for team projects and collaboration.
Looks and works the same in all popular browsers.
Instantly view files without leaving your browser, from Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint and more.
Synch desktop files to OneDrive via the Office 365 OneDrive app.
Manage variable user permissions, from view-only to edit.
Share a file or folder of content with direct web links to one or more people.
OneDrive is based on sharing, collaborating, and working with other files that are uploaded to OneDrive. OneDrive is an online file sharing and cloud content management tool as part of Microsoft’s Office suite of productivity apps.